Reydon Community Quiz Report – February 2025
The February Community Quiz was held on the 21st of the month, and we welcomed Charlotte Clark to take the role of quizmaster for the evening. With a wide range of questions, and a few surprising answers along the way, Charlotte’s quiz kept everyone entertained!
Winners were ‘What, No Broadside’ with 136 points, in joint second place were ‘Treacle Tarts’ and ‘Three’s Company’ with 126 points, and just behind was ‘What the Ecc’ with 125 points.
Together with proceeds from the raffle, the evening raised a generous £330. This was donated to FoSL ( Friends of Southwold Library) and presented to Charlotte with the sincerest thanks for her hard work at the Library and in our community. What a brilliant job she does!
Messages of thanks were received from the Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Group and the Rainbows/Brownies, who were recipients in January. It is lovely to hear how our fundraising will enhance the children’s experiences.
A huge thanks as always to our loyal quizzers for their generosity, participation and support, to hosts Sole Bay Bowls Club, and the raffle helpers. Thanks also to Southwold Press for providing paper for the quizzes.
• The next quiz will be on Friday, 21st March.
• The following one will be on Friday, 18th April (TBC as it is Good Friday).
• If there is enough demand, there will be one on 16th May.
There is sometimes space for another team, so do contact me if you are interested in joining us, on ahumphry@talktalk.net.