The Reydon Show is held annually on the first Saturday in August at the Village Hall, and features home-grown produce and flowers, home made food, handicrafts and art work. The show is open to all – you don’t have to live in Reydon to enter!

The Reydon Show celebrates your talents big and small, plus small cash prizes and various trophies to be won.

There are various categories for fruit and veg (including one for odd-shaped ones), flowers and plants, flower arranging, baking and preserves, art, handicrafts and photography.

Entries have to be in on the Friday night before or on the Saturday morning. So, plan your preserves, ready your radishes and corral your carnations ready for August.

A full programme of categories is normally available at Bridgefoot Stores, Reydon and will be made available here. Copies of the programme can be emailed out if you contact Charlotte Clark at

A report about last year’s show can be found here.

If you have any enquiries about the Reydon Show, please contact the Treasurer, Mr Brian Harild on 01502 724298.