The Loft.

The Loft, a youth centre based at the Stella Peskett Millenium Hall in Southwold, is open two evenings a week for the benefit of young people.

The Loft is more than just a youth club; there is table football, a pool table, air hockey, tuck shop, music, playstation, movie nights, card games, board games, juice bar, excursions, workshops, opportunities you don’t get in school and somewhere to just hang out with your friends.

Find out more on their Facebook page.



Reydon’s local scout group meets at the Scout Hall, Mights Road, Southwold and is always ready to welcome new members.

The details of the meetings are as follows:

  • Mondays during term time. Cub Scouts for girls and boys aged eight to ten-and-a-half, 6–7.30pm. Contact TBC.
  • Wednesdays during term time. Scouts for girls and boys aged ten to fourteen, 6.30–8pm. Contact Luke Winter, tel: 07900 982836.
  • Thursdays during term time. Beaver Scouts for girls and boys aged six to eight, 6–7pm. Contact Siobhan Busby, e-mail:

Full details can be found on the group’s website.

Guides and Brownies

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides all meet on a Monday evening (during term time) in the Guide Centre, Cautley Road, Southwold IP18 6DD.

Rainbows are for girls aged five to seven and meet 4.15–5.15pm.
Brownies are for girls aged seven to ten and meet 5.30–6.45pm.
Guides are for girls aged ten to fourteen and meet 7–8.30pm.
Trefoil Guild which is adult Guiding, meet on the fourth Wednesday each month at 2.30pm, except in August.

Enquiries, please contact Sally by e-mailing or calling 01502 723259.