Reydon Community Quiz – April and end-of-season 2023/24 Report
April saw the last Community Quiz for this season, and regular quizzer Brad took the role of question master, with a very enjoyable quiz featuring some fiendishly brain teasing questions!
In fourth place this month were ‘What the Ecc’ with 73 points; in joint second place ‘If Onlys’ and ‘Treacle Tarts ‘ with 80 points apiece; and winners this month ‘What, No Broadside?’ on 93 points.
Together with proceeds from the raffle, the evening raised £275. The work done by the Food Bank at the Methodist Church building in Southwold had been flagged up to us by one of their volunteers, so this month’s proceeds were donated to them, in support of the help they provide to our local community. (They are open Tuesday and Friday 2–4pm, and offer not just food but other support too, so pop in and see them if you can offer help or if you would like some support yourself.)
This season, we have raised and donated to £1,813 in total to local good causes, so many, many thanks to all who support our Community Quiz, it is hugely appreciated both by those who organise it and by those who are the recipients. What a wonderfully supportive community we are lucky to live in.
The next quiz will be held in October 2024, when the new season begins – we wish all our quizzers and supporters a happy summer. (When it arrives!) The dates of the autumn quizzes will be publicised nearer the time.
There is sometimes space for another team, so do contact me if you are interested in joining us at ahumphry@talktalk.net.