Reydon Community Quiz Report – December 2024
The Reydon Community Quiz (Christmas edition) took place on 13th December and was a well-attended and lively evening. Quizmaster for the evening was Brad, with an entertaining mixture of Christmas and other rounds. Many thanks to him!
Winners were ‘What! No Broadside?’ with 109 points; ‘Nirvana’ and ‘Treacle Tarts’ joint second, both with 98 points; and in joint third, ‘What the Ecc’ and ‘If Onlys’, both with 96 points.
Together with proceeds from the raffle, the evening raised a generous £350. It being that certain time of year, the local good cause selected to receive this month’s donation was Reydon Christmas Lights. The Committee works so hard all year round, and the village Christmas trees provide much cheer for us all, so we send our thanks and good wishes to all involved.
A huge thanks as always to our loyal quizzers for their generosity, participation and support, to hosts Sole Bay Bowls Club and to raffle helpers. Thanks also to Southwold Press for providing paper for the quizzes.
The next quiz will be Jim’s New Year Quiz (in lieu of Jim’s Christmas Quiz!) to be held on Friday, 17th January.
Further dates for the new year are as follows. . .
• Friday, 21st February.
• Friday, 21st March.
• Friday, 18th April (TBC as it is Good Friday).
If there is enough demand, there will be one on 16th May.
There is sometimes space for another team, so do contact me if you are interested in joining us on ahumphry@talktalk.net.