Category: Community Announcements


New outreach in Kessingland

We are delighted to announce that Citizens Advice East Suffolk will provide a monthly drop-in service in Kessingland on the first Monday of every month from 10am–12 noon from 3rd June 2024, open every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.   

Since the formation of Citizens Advice East Suffolk, our services have been reviewed to ensure they meet the needs of the people in our communities. Establishing a presence in Kessingland will extend our reach in the Lowestoft area.

Chiara Saunders, Chief Officer, Citizens Advice East Suffolk, commented: “With our offices spread from Lowestoft in the north to Felixstowe in the south, we identified Kessingland as an area we have not been present in. Making sure we are accessible to as many East Suffolk residents as possible is an important part of our work. The start of the Kessingland service coincides with the opening of a new office in Woodbridge.”

Starts:  With a trial session on Monday 8th April 2024, due to Easter.

Time:  Will continue after that on the first Monday of the month from 10am–2pm.

Venue:  Marram Green, Kessingland, Near Lowestoft NR33 7AH.

Citizens Advice East Suffolk is an independent Charity and is part of the Citizens Advice national network. We are responsible for raising our own funds to operate in the East Suffolk area. If you are able to donate to support our running costs, please do contact us via or Donate via JustGiving from our website –

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Reydon Show – Save the Date!

Are you a baker, an artist, a photographer, a crafter, a sewer, a knitter, a gardener or a flower arranger? Then why not enter the Reydon Show? 

The show celebrates your talents big and small, plus small cash prizes and various trophies to be won. 

The show takes place on the first Saturday of August each year, so save the date for 2024 – Saturday, 3rd August

Entries have to be in on the Friday night or the Saturday morning and the exhibition opens at 2pm. 

We also have a range of children’s categories open to kids under 12, so if your child is a keen baker, gardener or arts and crafter, they can enter too – and kids enter free! 

So, plan your preserves, ready your radishes and corral your carnations ready for August. 

Programme of categories available at Bridgefoot Stores, Reydon nearer the date.

Photographic categories this year are:

  • A Woodland Scene.
  • A Suffolk Landmark.
  • A Baby Animal or Animals.
  • Something Mainly Orange.

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Come and Join Reydon WI!

Meets the first Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm @ Reydon Village Hall.

Fun social group with monthly speakers or activities.

  • Next meeting: Wednesday, 7th February, 2.30pm.
  • Activity: Cookery demonstration.

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The STC Roads Consulation Questionnaire is here

The Southwold Town Council Roads Consultation Questionnaire concerning a number of traffic priorities that were identified following Southwold Topwn Council’s drop in events last September can be found here.

Physical hard copies of the same questionnaire are available at Bridgefoot Stores, Boydens, The Randolph and Reydon Village Hall.

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With the New Year comes the new-look Reydon Village website, formally relaunched today, 8th January.

Aimed at serving our community, the website is the brainchild of Reydon Parish Council, which has backed and funded it from the start. It was decided a while ago that it needed refreshing. The hard work of parish councillors and web and computer experts has produced the brighter, new-look website before you today. We hope you like it.

Because the aim is to serve our community, we want to reflect local needs as closely as possible. If you have any local stories or events to be publicised, if there is anything more you feel the website could do, or if you have any other suggestions about how we can improve our offering, we want to hear from you. Please contact the web management team at

A special thanks to everyone who has made this relaunch possible through their efforts.

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PCC Precept Survey – your input wanted

PCC proposes increase in precept to fund constabulary in 2024/25

As your Police & Crime Commissioner, setting the policing budget is one of my most important responsibilities. I must ensure that the Chief Constable has the resources required to provide an efficient and effective service.

Later this month, I will need to make a decision about the policing element of the council tax precept. I am planning to ask the Police and Crime Panel to support my proposal to raise the policing element of the precept by ÂĢ13 a year (for a Band D property) to enable us to maintain the standard of service that the public expect.

I would be very grateful if you could take part in the survey (link below) and let me know what you think. Could I also ask you to forward this on to anyone else you think may be interested in commenting.


Please go to my website for more detail.

Tim Passmore

Police & Crime Commissioner for Suffolk

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