Reydon Community Quiz Report – January 2025
The Reydon Community Quiz welcomed in 2025 with Jim’s New Year Quiz on 17th January. This was a lively and fun-filled evening led by Quizmaster Jim, with a quiz presented in his own inimitable style! With a range of questions, music rounds and even a bit of community singing, the well-attended evening was enjoyed by quizzers both familiar and new.
In a closely fought quiz, winners were ‘If Onlys’ with 130 points; in second place, ‘What, No Broadside?’ with 124 points; and in third, ‘Nirvana’ with 120 points. (Every team scored over 100 points!)
Together with proceeds from the raffle, the evening raised a huge £376. At the suggestion of the quizzers, this total will be split between our local Rainbows/Brownies/Guides Group, and our local Beavers/ Cubs/Scouts Group. Our young people are the future of our community, and we send our good wishes to all the youngsters in these long-established local groups, and to the volunteers and leaders who work with them.
A huge thanks as always to our loyal quizzers for their generosity, participation, and support, to hosts Sole Bay Bowls Club and raffle helpers. Thanks also to Southwold Press for providing paper for the quizzes.
The next quiz will be on Friday, 21st February.
Further dates for the new year are as follows. . .
• Friday, 21st March.
• Friday, 18th April (TBC as it is Good Friday).
• If there is enough demand, there will be one on 16th May.
There is sometimes space for another team, so do contact me if you are interested in joining us on ahumphry@talktalk.net