Category: Community Announcements


Southwold & District Freshwater Angling Preservation Society 50th Anniversary Project

Two years ago, the Society’s Golden Anniversary was marked by the launch of its 50th Anniversary Project. For several years, we have had a growing list of improvements needed to protect and enhance our Reydon complex, but had not been in the financial position to take them forward. The timing of our celebration year was used to bundle several of these improvements together and promote them as our 50th Anniversary Project, giving us more focus and drive to obtain the necessary funding.

Phase 1 was to replace fencing around Reydon Pit 4 (Denny Lake), widen bank access, investigate and improve water quality and to add stock. Most of this work is complete.

Phase 2 is to reinstate Reydon Pit 3 (Paisleys Pond, behind St Felix School at the end of Shepherds Lane) by removing silt and embedded reeds, replace the surrounding fence and replant/ restock with native plant and fish species.

Farm ponds, the traditional home to Crucian Carp, have been in decline for many years, with many being filled in. It is proposed to stock the pond exclusively with Tench and genuine Crucian Carp. Both species have the advantage of being ‘drought resistant’, so are an ideal choice for the water and our changing climate.

Consultation has been undertaken with adjacent landowners, the Inland Drainage Board and the Environment Agency. The latter is particularly supportive and, as well as making a grant available, has promised stock from their fish farm.

Given the pond is effectively surrounded on three sides by public footpaths, this work will undoubtedly raise a lot of interest; we have already had several enquires whilst carrying out preparatory works.

The last phase (3) of the project will follow on after the Reydon Pit 3 work is completed and will be to enhance our disabled parking area and facilities. Its timing will be dependent on future fundraising, but is probably a couple of years away.

Contact Barry Reid, Society Chairman (tel: 07484 136385) for more information.

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Researching Reydon

In-depth, qualitative research is being carried out in Suffolk’s coastal communities this autumn, commissioned by Suffolk County Council in partnership with East Suffolk Council.

The aim of this work is to provide an understanding of the unique conditions faced by people living in Suffolk’s coastal communities. It complements parallel research into official statistics describing the area and the needs and issues faced by residents and communities.

Research background

Suffolk County Council, in partnership with East Suffolk Council, has commissioned social research organisations SQW and Social Life to conduct research into the unique local conditions faced by people living in Suffolk’s coastal communities.

Our two research questions are:

1. How are Suffolk’s coastal communities doing at present? This links to perspectives on individual and collective wellbeing.

2. How might Suffolk’s coastal communities navigate the future? This links to perspectives on resilience in the context of economic, social and environmental change.

Work done to date

SQW has begun research to develop a coherent data framework and scoping interviews have been conducted with key local community and public sector representatives. Three communities have been identified as research sites: Hollesley, Reydon and Kessingland.

Qualitative research

This autumn, the Social Life team will visit the three communities to carry out in-depth research. We will:

â€Ē conduct interviews with stakeholders and community representatives.

â€Ē carry out in-person street interviews, with an online version of the survey also promoted.

â€Ē hold group discussions.

â€Ē map local social infrastructure.

The qualitative research will:

â€Ē capture perceptions and understanding of key issues linked to wellbeing and resilience.

â€Ē explore the protective factors that can support wellbeing and future resilience in the three locations.

â€Ē capture the views of all groups living in the three areas, including those less often represented.

Next steps

Social Life plan to begin reaching out to local stakeholders and parish councillors as soon as possible, in advance of visiting the three communities in late September/early October.

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Get ready – it’s Show time!

Reydon Show – Saturday, 3rd August

Are you a baker, an artist, a photographer, a crafter, a sewer, a knitter, a gardener or a flower arranger? Then why not enter the Reydon Show?

The Show celebrates your talents big and small plus certificates and various trophies to be won. It takes place on Saturday, 3rd August. Entries have to be in on the Friday night or the Saturday morning and the exhibition opens at 2pm.

We also have a range of children’s categories open to kids under 12, so if your child is a keen baker, gardener or arts and crafter they can enter too – and kids’ enter free!

So, plan your preserves, ready your radishes and corral your carnations. Programme of categories available at Bridgefoot Stores, Reydon or can be e-mailed to you if you contact Charlotte at

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Southwold Street Festival needs you!

Southwold Street Festival urgently needs some helpers on Saturday, 29th June 2024. It starts at about 12 noon and finishes at about 5pm.

Any hours you can give would be so much appreciated; this can be at any time during the day. Be part of an incredible team.

Car parking is on Southwold Common, York Road, Southwold.

Expect some delays with the traffic lights on Mights Bridge, Southwold due to a gas leak.

Can you help or would you know anyone who could?

Text or call Matthew on 07775 018844 or email:

Help image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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